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Try Listening via
Internet, TV or satellite.
1. Listen to RADIO74 on your phone or computer!
From RADIO74.net click on Listen from the top menu or Play on the Home page.
2. Listen to RADIO74 on your TV set
If you have a 3ABN TV station in your community which has been converted to digital transmission, you'll discover RADIO 74 on one of the channels. No picture, just beautiful, inspirational sound!
RADIO74 can also be heard through MY SDA TV. For more information on this service visit mysdatv.com.
4. Free-to-home Satellite Radio
Using an inexpensive parabolic satellite antenna, you can get crystal clear reception from RADIO 74 INTERNATIONALE almost everywhere across North and Central American, and the Caribbean.
Radio74 broadcasts 24/7 on the Galaxy 19 satellite in your sky at 97° West.
Ku-band for North America, including the Caribbean
Position: 97° West
Frequency: 11 842 MHz
Polarity: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 22 000
FEC: 3/4
It's free! No satellite subscription fees.