The word “brinksmanship” was coined during the cold war between the US and Russia. Brinkmanship is the ostensible escalation of threats to achieve one's aims. It’s when two sides in a dispute continually up the ante, pushing the other to the brink. Eventually, one party is pushed over into the abyss, or else both are mutually destroyed.
An example was the Cuban Missile Crisis when the opposing leaders, John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev, continually issued warnings, with increasing intensity, about impending nuclear exchanges. Eventually the Soviet Socialists backed down and the world was spared nuclear annihilation.
The ultimate standoff of brinkmanship happened at the cross when, in his rebellion against God, Lucifer pressed Jesus Christ to the brink. When Jesus died, Satan appeared to have won his sinister game of force. But then came Sunday morning when Jesus rose from the dead to everlasting life, yielding the knockout blow to the Enemy, while winning total victory for us sinful mortals and peace for the entire universe.
Why am I in my 9th consecutive day of fasting and praying for MISSION ALASKA, joined by others who are fasting certain days? RADIO 74 finds itself caught in the crosshairs of a deadly game of brinkmanship conspired by the Evil One who is shooting to kill this significant advance of the gospel in Alaska. Our only hope is God’s mercy and power to save. If God doesn’t move, this project is doomed. But we are encouraged. God IS moving! Donations are arriving each day, and by God’s grace this radio station will get built despite serious threats to stop it cold.
By accepting God’s call to build a major AM radio station to reach the lost souls of Alaska we stepped on the Enemy’s toes. He can’t help but notice we’re invading territory he claims is his. We anticipated obstacles, but we hadn’t expected war. This radio station should have, could have, and would have been built and already on the air, except the Enemy slashed our tires and slipped a monkey wrench in the spokes. That monster is bearing down on us, threatening to crash everything, and has pitted sides in a deadly game of brinkmanship.
In retrospect, I’m wondering now if that freak car crash in South Dakota which might have snuffed out my life three years ago wasn’t related to MISSION ALASKA. Just months earlier we’d won the FCC auction to acquire this excellent radio frequency. The following January the FCC finally granted the three year construction permit, and we’d been gearing up to build the station in 2015-16. But in between time came not one, but two serious car accidents. Long recuperation stunted progress on the Alaska radio project for two years.
Then, only this past December, did we first learn we would have to purchase the land for the antenna. We had understood we could use or rent it at low cost. We’ve swallowed that pill and forgiven, but raising so much money so fast is a formidable challenge.
When confronted by the Devil, our only hope is Jesus. When dealing with the deep, dark, spooky, satanic supernatural, victory comes only from The Master, who conquered Satan, hands down, at Calvary.
The ultimate weapon is the powerful name of Jesus. That’s why we are fasting as well as praying.
Remember Jesus’ instruction to the disciples who failed to cast out particularly stubborn demons from a disturbed child? “Because of your unbelief…howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” Matthew 17:20-21.
To those who are fasting and praying with me, be strong and of good courage!
“…be strong in the Lord, and in the power of HIS might.” Ephesians 6:10
“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”1 Corinthians 10:13
Take very good care of yourself. Don’t overdo a good thing. Be moderate. Break the fast as needed to keep up your strength and remain in good health.
But as for me, this period of fasting and prayer is life or death. I’m expendable. The gospel is not. It must advance at all cost. Jesus must increase while I must decrease. As in any war, some soldiers pay the ultimate price to bring peace for the survivors. If I must perish so that MISSION ALASKA succeeds, what does it matter in the light of eternity? One life in exchange for thousands of Alaskans who will hear the gospel and accept Jesus offer of salvation is cheap enough.
Believe me! I hope it doesn’t come to this. But know that I’m prepared to pay the price, to do brinksmanship with the Enemy until God fully delivers on His promises. As Jesus cried out from the cross, “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” Luke 22:42
Thus, I shall end my fast when, and only when the Lord has sent enough funds to purchase the land for the antenna. At last tally, $71,000 has been received or firmly pledged towards the $150,000 needed for the land. Half done is just begun. So my fast continues. But then, remember, after that milestone is reached, we’ll still urgently need money to buy the antenna and transmitting equipment valued at $105,000.
This is not a game. This is high stakes spiritual brinkmanship. It’s serious spiritual warfare. I’m asking you to pray with me, and fast if you can.
(Caution, not everyone can or should fast; check with your physician first).
Then ACT now by making a sacrificial donation for MISSION ALASKA, and spread the word. I’m confident God will bring total victory very soon.
August is at the door. The antenna installation is now perilously late. Equipment should have been ordered months ago and the antenna already erected. As it looks now, the antenna will go up in the snow, during the fall, which is already winter in Alaska. Work not done this summer will have to get done in painful cold. The absolute deadline to get on the air is end of this December. Failure is not an option. We are counting on God to stir hearts. God bless you for saying “yes” to Jesus. How to donate? See below.
After creating the first US telegraph line from Baltimore to Washington, DC, Samuel Morse, the inventor of the Morse code tapped out the first message on his telegraph key on May 24, 1844. He quoted the Bible, Numbers 23:23. “What hath God wrought.”
When this new RADIO 74 station in Alaska is finally heard on the air, speaking Truth in love, not you, I or anyone will ever be able take credit. All will say, “What hath God wrought!” All honor and glory to Him!
What’s Needed
PHASE 1: cost to build, including the land, $255,000. This will get the radio station on the air and FCC licensed with 5,000 watts of power. Deadline to have the station constructed and on the air: end of December, 2017.
Funds donated so far: just over $71,000, leaves $184,000 to raise for PHASE 1.
PHASE 2: will happen in 2018-19 when we install the taller towers and 50,000 watt transmitter, for an additional $250,000, including the buried grounding system. This is the permanent high power station, our final objective. No immediate legal deadline, but let’s not dally.
Total cost to fully build out this strong 50,000 watt AM radio station: $505,000.
How to donate
1) Donate on line: www.radio74.net
2) Mail a check: RADIO 74 INTERNATIONALE PO Box 716 Ridgecrest, CA 93556-0716 USA